New and Events
March 10th, 2021 -10º
Yesterday Allain had the 2009 BR180 floated to the Southside and proceeded to groom all the trails 510, 511, 21, 52 North & South, next time you see Allain make sure you thank him for the great trails, he puts a lot of effort into making it happen. The 2017 Husky was busy as well…
Read MoreMarch 9th, 2021 -17º
We have a machine down, the 2001 BR180 that does the Southside trails is sick and needs to go to the hospital for some diagnosis and hopefully a cure. We will be moving the 2009 BR180 over today so we can clean up the trails before the warm weather hits. Yesterday the 2009 BR180 and…
Read MoreMarch 8th, 2021 -10º
We are back at the trails today, trying to get things flat before we get the mild temps forecast for later this week. Plenty of traffic this weekend and trails for the most part were beaten up pretty good, it will take a few days but they will get flattened out. Yesterday Bobby and his…
Read MoreMarch 7th, 2021 -10º
Last night Jamie groomed 52 North to the headpond. We have some wet mild weather coming this week, with any luck it will change, as it usually does. We will be back at the trails early tomorrow. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails. Be Safe. Be Kind.
Read MoreMarch 6th, 2021 -15º
Would like to send a big Thank You to a couple of our new members, Tanya and Chris, who dropped off some Tim’s gift cards for the groomer operators, a very kind gesture and much appreciated by the operators, Thanks again. CAUTION: Trail 515 at Donnie’s Field just off the Oldfield Road, landowner used a…
Read MoreMarch 5th, 2021 -10º
Things are starting to come together after the latest storm. I must first apologize for yesterday’s mix-up, It was Dave and his girlfriend who did the trip together and not Adam and Laura, sorry guys, but it’s still nice to see couples out grooming, it’s a tradition that goes way back. Last night all Northside…
Read MoreMarch 4th, 2021 -10º
Meeting Tonight 7:00 pm, Beaverbrook Kin Center. All three machine have been hard at the trails, yesterday Allain finally got up and running, thanks to Brendan Manderson of Manderson Mechanical for the great service, it’s patched up for now but it appears we have some gremlins in the wiring harness, when things calm down we…
Read MoreMarch 3rd, 2021 -13º
We wanted snow, just not all at once, lol. So we are just tramping all trails at the moment, tried with the drags and were getting stuck so abandoned that idea. This is going to take a few more days than expected to get things to where we want them, but it will come in…
Read MoreMarch 2nd, 2021 -16º
Well, we can’t complain about a lack of snow now, might make it til June if this keeps up. Great to see all the snow, this is light fluffy stuff, and will take a few passes to get the trails in shape. There will be drifting in open areas, so please be careful when you…
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