New and Events
Trail Caution
Just a quick heads up on the Southside trails, 52 South just after you cross the Douglasfield Road going south there is an open water hole, you can drive around it through the woods, please be careful in this area.
Read MoreFebruary 7th, 2021 -8º
We hope everyone had an opportunity to get out and enjoy some winter fun yesterday, by the look of 52 North last night, lots did. Last night Jamie groomed 52 North to the headpond and yesterday Bobby was working on the trail to the Moose Barn and by the end of the day today he…
Read MoreFebruary 6th, 2021 -1º
Nice to see this little surprise this morning. This will make for a great day, lots of lube for the day and the trails are flat underneath. Yesterday Allain did groomed to Barnaby, but trail 21 to Black River is very wet so we will let it dry out for a day or so, please…
Read MoreFebruary 5th, 2021 -6º
This wet heavy snow will certainly help with increasing our trail base, as it was pretty thin before this. We now have the majority of the local trails both tramped and groomed, including 52 North to the headpond and all Southside trails, now we have to get to Sunny Corner and then tackle 514, unfortunately,…
Read MoreFebruary 4th, 2021 -1º
It’s funny how quickly a plan can change, yesterday all three machines left home base with their drags attached and within about 20 minutes all three realized it wasn’t working so they returned and dropped their drags and went out tramping, so 52 north to the headpond, Newcastle trails including to Joe’s Convenience, 515 to…
Read MoreFebruary 3rd, 2021 1º
All three machines are out and getting things started, this will take a few days to get into shape. Nice to finally get the first big storm, be patient we will get on top of things shortly. Allain is looking for someone to trim the trail 510 from Arvin to Loggieville if you can help…
Read MoreFebruary 1st, 2021 -13º
Looks like Adam was at it again on the weekend clearing some trails in Barnaby, thanks again for making the effort to help the club. Yesterday Kendall and Dave groomed to the headpond, yeah we finally made it all the way, they also fixed up Gordon Meadow Brook with a nice snow bridge. Meeting tonight…
Read MoreJanuary 31st, -13º
Meeting tomorrow night, Monday, February 1st, 7:00 pm at Beaverbrook Kin Center. Please make every effort to attend.
Read MoreJanuary 29, 2021 -3º
Yesterday the 2017 Husky groomed 52 to the intersection of 512, out 512 to 515 and to 521 to Kingston Petro-Can, then he turned and retraced his route, so it should be nice and wide. The 2009 had the problem with the intercooler fans fixed yesterday, a broken wire, something so small can cause much…
Read MoreJanuary 28, 2021 -4º
Yesterday the 2017 Husky headed north on 52 to see if he could fix the Gordon Meadow Brook crossing, things turned out not too bad, he shoved snow out onto the crossing and it kept sinking, he eventually got it filled, so now it should freeze and be good for the season, now we just…
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