New and Events
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
The Barren shelter now has wood, thanks to Gary and Daniel for delivering and piling it, they also dropped off a jug of fire starter bricks, please only use one brick to start your fire, if you’re one of the clowns that likes to use the entire jug at once the club would prefer that…
Read MoreMonday, January 13, 2020
Thanks to all our members who did the snow dance, it worked. That was a dandy, we should have snow base now. We will be at the trails as soon as operators get their own snow removed. Don’t forget about our fundraiser supper at the Moose Barn on January 23rd at 6:30 pm. Get Out…
Read MoreSunday, January 12, 2020
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, this is just what we need to put the trails in good shape. We will be out at it once our operators get themselves cleaned out, it will take a few days to get the air out of the snow so be patient. Going forward we…
Read MoreSaturday, January 11, 2020
We sure have a mixed bag of weather coming in the next 48 hours, freezing rain, rain, then snow, lets hope we get the 35 – 45 cm they are calling for, then the fun will begin. Yesterday our new Dynamic Duo (father and son team) John and Kyle groomed 52 North to the headpond,…
Read MoreFriday, January 10, 2020
Byron and Robert groomed 517 from Sunny Corner to North Shore yesterday. Ron and Dave finished up with the brush cutting yesterday doing 42 South down to the Anderson Bridge. This will conclude the brush cutting for now, we haven’t done our entire trail system but we probably covered at least 80% of the system,…
Read MoreThursday, January 9, 2020
Yesterday Kendall groomed 52 North to the headpond, the trail turned out great for the amount of snow we have and we can get around the hole at Gordon Meadow Brook with ease. Ron, Eric and Gilles have been out in the last few days cleaning up some signage issues. Yesterday Dave and Kyle did…
Read MoreWednesday, January 8, 2020
Yesterday Ron and John did brush cutting on trail 512 and 515, so we now only have a few trails left to do, maybe another day or two and then we will switch it over to a groomer. Bobby groomed 517 from Sunny Corner to the Moose Barn, so this is another trail opened, we…
Read MoreTuesday, January 7th, 2020
Please use caution when out on the trails as with the lack of snow there are some hazards. The Husky will be out today doing brush cutting on 512 and 515. Gary and crew fixed the bridge in behind the old Brookdale property on trail 52 and they also fixed the washout below the beaver…
Read MoreMonday, January 6, 2020
Yesterday Alan finished up with the brush cutting on the Southside, the only section we couldn’t get to is from the Co-op to the Miramichi Bridge as there is a culvert washout on the powerline after the Douglasfield Road. We will now have to wait for some snow before we start grooming as we just…
Read MoreSunday, January 5, 2020
Alan is continuing the brush cutting on the Southside and should have it finished up today. Bobby headed to Moose Barn on 517 yesterday and made it as far as Sunny Corner where head had a problem with a broken grouser bar so he parked it for the night and will hopefully have it fixed…
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