New and Events
February 27, 2022 -8º
Just a little update on conditions in our system, around the city things are icy, flat and hard but as you head north on 52 things change and the icy spots become less. Any plowed roads are for now icy, just before the spurline our trail is in the ditch and there are water cuts…
Read MoreFebruary 26, 2022 -20º
Yesterday the operators were working hard to get the trails groomed for Avery’s Run, they are reporting that things turned out not too bad, some icy spots but good other than that. Scratchers will be a good idea to keep things cool. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails.
Read MoreFebruary 25, 2022 -17º
Doing what we can, most trails around town both north and south side, are very hard and icy, we are trying to give them a scrape to see if we can get some lube. Be patient, we will eventually overcome this issue as we do with them all. We have cold temps and not much…
Read MoreFebruary 24, 2022 -12º
The groomers will be out today, gonna give it a few more hours to freeze up, then make an attempt to do some grooming, not sure what’s left out there, hopefully not all ice. Photo is what it looked like before the meltdown. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails. (not sure if that can happen…
Read MoreFebruary 23, 2022 +7º
Well this warm weather and rain isn’t what we need. Hopefully we will survive this one and carry on. Yesterday 52 North to the headpond was groomed, they tried to do the 514 loopp but the snow bridge at Portage River was too risky so they doubled back from there, we had reports that the…
Read MoreFebruary 22, 2022 -12º
Yesterday 52 North to the headpond was groomed, it is hard and rough in places, and in other spots we broke through with deep standing water underneath. Allain groomed what he could on the Southside, looks like he couldn’t make it to Black River so turned at the powerline, also only made it to the…
Read MoreFebruary 20, 2022 -10º
Nice to see a little snow after the meltdown, this will hopefully help with any lube and overheating issues that a hard trail usually causes. Daytona 500 today, enjoy the race everyone. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails.
Read MoreFebruary 18th, 2022 0º
Rain, rain go AWAY!!!! What a crazy winter, not sure how things will stand up but I’m sure we will make it through. The Spurline will not be plowed anymore this winter. We have a section of 517 at the 90º turn by the Walsh Road that will be plowed for a cutting operation, it…
Read MoreFebruary 17, 2022 +5º
Let’s hope the weatherman doesn’t send too much rain our way. We will be sitting tight for the next few days and develop a plan from there. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails (With a Rainsuit!!)
Read MoreFebruary 16th, 2022 -20º
Yesterday 52 North to the headpond was groomed, needed it bad, plus 513 to the intersection of 514, 512 to 515 then to Fins, then doubled back to North Shore. Other than 517 we have our trails groomed up from the weekend, now we wait and see what the next metldown will be like, with…
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