New and Events
January 25th, 2022 -18º
Okay folks we only have 5 days left until our fundraiser draw and we need to sell over 100 more tickets in order for this to be a success. They are available at JT All Season Sports, Rae’s Trailer & Sports, Petro Canada locations in Miramichi, Carroll’s Bakery, PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO SUPPORT OUR…
Read MoreJanuary 23, 2022 -15º
The winner of our Like and Share Contest is Tanya Hubbard-Matchett, congratulations, please send a message or call 622-1114 and we will get you your ticket. Allain was on the trail last night he started at around 5:00 pm and shut her down at 4:00 am, our operators are a dedicated bunch, THANK YOU, all…
Read MoreJanuary 23, 2022 -20º
This is the final week to buy a ticket on our fundraiser draw, please make every effort to support YOUR CLUB, because your club makes every effort to support YOUR TRAILS!!!
Read MoreJanuary 22, 2022 -28º
She’s a chilly one at -28º this morning. Some good news, the 2001 BR180 was back up and running late yesterday, Allain will be back at the trails after the weekend traffic as most of his trails were in good shape. Yesterday the Husky was still rolling and between John and Bobby (mostly John, lol)…
Read MoreJanuary 21, 2022 -24º
Yesterday Kyle groomed 52 North to the headpond and then Dave hopped in and groomed 515, 520, 521, 522, 523, and 52 South to the CI Road, it was 3:00 am when he finished. We will be out on the trails again this morning. Allain removed the busted hoses from the 2001 BR180 and had…
Read MoreJanuary 20, 2022 -10º
Well folks people sure are good to us here on the Miramichi, Patterson Sales & Service rescued the 2001 BR180 yesterday and allowed us to put it in their garage to do the repairs, hopefully we will have a better timeline after today when he will be back up and running. Thanks to North Shore…
Read MoreWednesday, January 19, 2022 -º
So, not a great day for the club, we have two machines down. Allain was out grooming the southside trails he finished up the Barnaby side and was on his way to the Black River when a hydraulic line busted, unfortunately this is a very specific hose that we have to get from the dealer,…
Read MoreMessy Storm, but we’ll take it!!
Yesterday John had the Husky to the southside and trimmed all the trails that needed trimming. Today we will finish up with the cutter and take it off hopefully for the season as most of our system has seen the cutter. Kyle groomed 517, 525 and 527 yesterday as well. We will wait for things…
Read MoreJanuary 14th, 2022 -5º
We are getting there, last night Allain groomed trail 21 to Black River and back, then out 510 to Loggieville and 511 to the Rodd, so the Southside trails have all had at least one pass on them. Also last night Tony and Roger took the 2009 BR180 and opened up trail 513 from 52…
Read MoreMaking Progress.
Yesterday the boys finished 52 North to the headpond so that is now good to go. We will be working on getting around Newcastle/Douglastown opened up in the next few days. Allain got the 2001 BR180 fixed yesterday (that he didn’t break, Greg) and put the drag on and groomed 21 to the intersection of…
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