Friday, February 7, 2020 -7º

Yesterday we did a bit of clean-up on trail 515 to Fins and 512, we will now wait out this storm and be back at the trails when things clear up. Doesn’t look like much of a storm yet, but they keep promising!!!! Yesterday Gary and David did some signage on 514 where we had…

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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Yesterday we had a tag team match and they took on the 514/52 North loop and won, Alan and John started out the day and were spelled off by Kyle and Robert who finished off the loop, this takes about 20 hours to complete and the trail turned out fantastic. Looks like we might just…

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The forecast is looking more promising all the time, lets hope we get what they are calling for. Yesterday Robert and Dave was on the 2017 Husky and groomed 52 North to the headpond. John had the 2009 BR180 and did the return trip from the Halcomb Moose Barn. After today we should be have…

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Tuesday, February 4, 2020 -7º

Looks like we are in store for another mild day today with temperatures on the plus side this afternoon, this isn’t the kind of weather we need at this point in the season but good news might be on the horizon if the forecast holds true. Yesterday Robert and Dave (two drivers so one can…

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Monday, February 3, 2020 -10

Last Night Alan groomed all Southside trails, 21, 510, 511 and 52 North and South, we don’t have much to work with as far as trail base goes but we are doing what we can. Some snow in the forecast for the end of the week, we’ll believe that when we see it. Don’t forget…

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Sunday,February 2, 2020 -4º

Trails are holding up fairly well with this lack of snow, not enough snow to make huge moguls, lol. One good thing we have a very hard base if we do ever get some snow. Last night Jamie groomed 52 North to the headpond. Don’t forget about the club meeting tomorrow February 3, 7:00 pm…

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Saturday, February 1, 2020

-15º Yesterday John groomed all Newcastle trails 52 South to Miramichi Bridge, 42 South to Anderson Bridge, 529, 525 and also 521 to Kingston’s Petrocan. We had the 2009 BR180 in for some service, the injector pump that we had replaced last year, which was under warranty, went again but luckily this replacement part still…

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Friday, January 31, 2020 -17º

We have a few logging operations on the Southside to be careful of, both are on Trail 21, one is down towards Black River on the powerline and the other is at the end of the airport fence, so be careful when in these areas. Last night Alan groomed all Southside trails, 21, 510, 511,…

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Thursday, January, 30, 2020

Yesterday Alan and John groomed 517 to the junction of 514 then 514 to the Tamaganops Road, then we had a change of crew with Kyle and Robert taking over and finishing 514 and 52 North to the headpond. Trails are flat and hard, but we really need more snow, we will work with what…

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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Yesterday Kyle groomed 52 South to the Miramichi Bridge and 42 South to the Anderson Bridge, plus 529, 525 and 512 Pickard’s Run. We had all the service done on the 2017 Husky yesterday, the mechanic fixed all the minor issues we had and he also fixed a few issues with the 2001 BR180 for…

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