January 26, 2021 -4º
Last night Allain and Adam (Happy Birthday) groomed all Southside trails, 510, 511, 21, and 52, looks like things turned out great for the amount of snow we have, probably the best trails in our system at the moment, great job. Yesterday the 2017 had the cutter put back on and trails 52 South to the river and 525 to Joe’s Gas Bar were cleaned up. Big thanks to JTR Mobile Services for welding up the drag on the 2009, now ready to go to work. Also yesterday Ron, Eric, and Gilles took our new work sled and fixed up signage on 52 North to the headpond. Pictured below is the Energizer Bunny (aka Ron), our most senior and hardest working volunteer, if you are a snowmobiler in this area you can thank this man, he has seen and done it all with the club for the past 30 plus years, and he’s a great guy too. Get out and enjoy your trails. Be Safe, Be Kind.