Keep It Coming!!!
Hopefully this snow keeps coming, it will go a long way to helping get the trails in shape. Yesterday Jamie started early to get 514 opened but not long into the day a track came off the old BR180 so we made a few phone calls and within 3 hours he was back up and running. A big thank you to Jamie, Ricky, Dave, Gary , Jeff, Ron, Noah, Ross, Daniel and North Shore Construction, we are a very lucky club to have these resources and best of all 514 is now open, this calls for a celebration after not being able to open it last year. Yesterday Kendall groomed 52 South to the Miramichi Bridge then 525 to Curtis Corner, then out to 42 South to the Anderson Bridge, he fixed the holes at the beaver dam in behind the traffic circle. Would also like to thank Northumberland Timbermart for donating lumber used to make trail markers. We will wait out this storm and get out as soon as things ease up and everyone has their own stuff cleaned up. Also would like to thank Alain for putting up the trail markers at the end of 515. The fundraiser supper at Nepisiguit is cancelled for tonight and will be rescheduled. Get Out and Enjoy Your Trails.